001. hello ! my name is Yai ( born '97, bi, afro-peruvian, she/her ) and this blog is private and highly selective, will remain on PERMANENT SPORADIC / LOW ACTIVITY, and will maintain a low mutual count to assure i’m able to write with all my mutuals. i won't follow back if you have no rules available. i'm also unlikely to follow back if you are a multi with characters from various different media i'm unfamiliar with. i'm happy to interact with duplicates, ocs, and crossover muses ! you can also find me here on my dc comics multi002. THIS BLOG WILL NOT BE FOLLOWING ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING ( PLOTLINES, CHARACTERIZATIONS, RELATIONSHIPS ECT. ) FROM THE SHOW YOUNG JUSTICE OR CW ARROW.this blog will be comic based and will contain first and foremost pre 2011 reboot characterization and portrayal with only a handful of nods to reboot Roy. A more detailed list of all comics i'll use as reference for character building, writing, and in-comic events i will recognize within my portrayal is available on my blog site's rules, and from reboot forward, i'm only keeping very few things that i will make clear as i elaborate my portrayal through character study posts. (if i talk about it, it stays)i'll stress that rhato (2011) / red hood/arsenal (2015) roy does not exist to me in terms of characterization. however, i still love the team-ups as concepts and will write better, more true to character versions of them. also, LIAN IS ALIVE AND WELL UNLESS EXPLICITLY STATED, thank you :)PLEASE NOTE: Roy Harper has an extensive history with drug usage and substance abuse that will be touched upon on this blog. if any of this is triggering to you, then following IS NOT recommended.
on the note of his addiction, I will keep it limited to heroin in my canon. I will acknowledge, as he has in The New Teen Titans (Drug Awareness Special) #2, that he has experimented with other drugs but in terms of proper addiction, it'll only be heroin.
more notes on my portrayal/headcanons can be found here003. block me if you’re racist, sexist, ableist, write / are interested in / condone the following: whitewashing, incest, rape, pedophilia, β€œ genderbends β€œ and the following fandom / ships: attack on titan, hetalia, write / ship anything akin to incest, write / ship large age gaps ( 10+ years apart ) or student-teacher relationships. PERSONALS WILL BE BLOCKED ON SIGHT.please know that if you ever feel uncomfortable, slighted, confused, hurt or anything else by me or what we are writing, you can come to me and talk about it. i'll stop anything and rework what we have, i just ask for clear communication, please !004. roy is charming, canonically promiscuous, and very invested in his personal relationships to others so naturally shipping, both romantic and platonic, will occur, however ic and ooc chemistry is a must. i'm also very big on ship exclusivity for any unique and in-depth relationships forged.important note on ships: each and every ships are exclusive from one another and should be kept independent of each other unless thoroughly discussed by all writers involved.005. blog theme base code by hollywhood, but absolutely all the additions to the theme, icons, carrd, graphics, and headcanons are mine, please do not take them !! don’t rush / guilt-trip me for replies or to write with you, don’t god mod, callouts are fine if they’re sensible and warning of someone manipulative / harmful but please don’t drag unnecessary drama onto my dash or involve me in it


Ward to Oliver Queen, young Roy grew up in a Navajo reservation from the age of two following the death of his father, Roy Harper SR., a park ranger who risked his life to save the members of said reservation from a wildfire. It was here where his talent for archery flourished. After being taken in by Oliver Queen, he soon became his young sidekick and took on the name of SPEEDY.ALLIANCES/AFFILIATIONS: GREEN ARROW, SEVEN SOLDIERS OF VICTORY, TEEN TITANS, DEA, CBI/CHECKMATE


( verse prone to change and adaptation to new information on current runs that i agree with/wish to explore )No longer β€˜Speedy’ , Roy has now moved forward from his past with the Titans – creating a name and identity for himself whilst trying to balance the trials of being a single father.Separated into two arcs:I'M HERE TO DO THE JOB following him throughout new titans up to jlaONE DAY AT A TIME canon divergent. follows the aftermath of Prometheus' mutilation of Roy's left arm, wherein he navigates and adapts to the phantom pains and regaining his previous level of skill with his new cybernetic arm prosthetic. this is my current arc which covers Roy after the JLA, going on to join the Outlaws and then the reformed Titans.ALLIANCES/AFFILIATIONS: CHECKMATE, TITANS, OUTSIDERS, JLA, OUTLAWS


you can find the more elaborate version here β™₯𝟏 Β½ - πŸ– π˜π„π€π‘π’ πŽπ‹πƒ . Roy Harper is the orphaned son of park ranger Roy Harper, Sr. and an unknown mother. His father died in a selfless effort to save a Navajo community from a forest fire, in gratitude, the medicine man Brave Bow took Roy in and raised him as his own. By age 8, Roy had already developed his singular talent for marksmanship, mastering the bow and arrow enough to garner Oliver Queen's attention after helping him thwart a robbery at a souvenir shop on the reservation. Upon learning Brave Bow was suffering through a terminal illness, Oliver Queen arranged with Brave Bow, who was aware of his hero identity as Green Arrow, to take Roy in as his ward upon his death. Thereafter, Roy moved in with Oliver who gave him the Speedy identity.πŸπŸ‘ - πŸπŸ“ π˜π„π€π‘π’ πŽπ‹πƒ . Roy helps found the Teen Titans and, after a period of popping in and out of the team while he continues to work with Green Arrow, he finally joins as a regular member. By 15, he had developed an addiction to heroin due to Oliver's emotional abandonment of him, leading him to leave the Titans and eventually embark on a journey to recovery with the help of Dinah Lance.πŸπŸ– - 𝟐𝟎 π˜π„π€π‘π’ πŽπ‹πƒ . while working with the DEA, C.B.I, and Checkmate, Roy meets Jade Nguyen, the international criminal otherwise known as Cheshire. they begin a clandestine relationship borne of an uncanny understanding of each other while Roy is sent undercover on a mission to Sendai to bust the drug trafficking ring she was the middleman for. Product of this relationship is Roy's daughter, Lian Harper.𝟐𝟎-πŸπŸ” π˜π„π€π‘π’ πŽπ‹πƒ . Roy comes and goes as a Titans team member in every iteration of the team, at times even leading them. this continues until the team ultimately parts ways again in light of the death of beloved teammate, and Roy's eternal love, Donna Troy.πŸπŸ”-πŸπŸ– π˜π„π€π‘π’ πŽπ‹πƒ . dealing with the grief of Donna's death, Roy, naturally, throws himself into yet another team venture. this time, the team is comprised of individuals with little to no relation with each other, preventing the formation of a tight-knit family dynamic as with the Titans, and focused plainly on striking rogues first before they can even become a threat. he convinces Dick with this same rhetoric to lead the team, which comes to be known as the Outsiders. early on Roy is shot five times through the chest. this near loss of his life alongside other complications along the way such as getting tricked by Deathstroke, constant squabbles with Dick which causes the team to lose respect for them both, and the grim nature of the team itself being at odds with Roy's inclination towards being a traditional hero, all add up to his inevitable quitting of the team. thereafter, he is chosen to join the JLA, taking on the alias of Red Arrow to uphold the family name. eventually, the Titans reform again, and Roy moves from Manhattan to Star City, setting up roots in a suburban home where Lian could have stability as she grows. Roy's JLA run is fraught with the anxiety of living up to the arrow name and legacy and his troubled relationship with Kendra Saunders. he culminates his run when Carter Hall and Kendra inevitably become closer, leaving but coming back to help after the apparent death of Batman. one night, as Roy has just finished a video call with Lian before bed, Prometheus ambushes him and cuts off his right arm, simultaneously signaling Electrocutioner to destroy major cities, not least of all Star City. the JLA managed to stop the attack but not before Star City suffers extensive damage.πŸπŸ– - π„π€π‘π‹π˜ πŸ‘πŸŽπ¬ . in canon, Lian dies in the attack and Roy, addled with grief plus the pain of his recent mutilation, turns back to heroin to quell his pain. he eventually goes on to strike up a deal with Jade to kill Deathstroke, joining Slade's Titans until the purpose of their formation is clear in the creation of the Methuselah device Slade uses to heal Joey, and claims could bring back the rest of the team's dead loved ones. Roy, accepting that he was punishing himself for Lian's death and accepting that she was in a better place, decides against this, fighting against those in favor and destroying the machine. he and Joey come out of this deciding to take things one day at a time and agreeing to restart the Titans once more.(MY) CANON DIVERGENCE
(because i hate rise of arsenal and lian should not have died): Mia manages to protect Lian during the attack, ( or alternately, to accommodate for current narrative, Roy perceives Lian is dead but a body is never found, which allows for the current search for Lian arc ) and Roy is left to navigate life as an amputee. he returns to his Arsenal alias and gains a cybernetic prosthetic arm he uses for hero work and eventually tricks out to accommodate for weaponry like guns and missile blasters. he works hard to regain his former skill level in archery with his new prosthetic, coming to regain his former excellence through grueling efforts. when he is out of action, he sports a simple bionic arm prosthetic. after a period of regaining his bearings after such a traumatic even, he goes onto join teams such as the outlaws and yet another reformed titans. in my canon he eventually rejoins the JLA but as Arsenal this time and has a hell of a heroic run.


FULL NAME. Roy William Harper, Jr.
AGE. speedy: 13-18, arsenal: 20+ ( current arc [One Day At A Time]: early to mid 30s )
GENDER. cis male
BIRTHDAY. november 1
RACE/ETHNICITY. White, raised by Brave Bow as a son and part of the Tachii'nii clan, entailing a traditional Navajo upbringing
OCCUPATION. vigilante, former spy/government Agent
LANGUAGE (S). DinΓ© Bizaad ( Navajo ) , English, some Spanish, Russian
FACECLAIM(S): Patrick O'Donnell, Matthew Noszka, Vinnie Hacker


EYES. smoldering green, piercing yet enticing; staggering when his stare is intense
HAIR. copper colored, naturally wavy with the tendency for dryness which, in-turn, makes it straighter, somewhat bushy and jagged at the ends. He's prone to growing out or cutting his hair as he sees fit, going from shoulder-length to buzzcuts on a whim.
FACE. sculpted, squared jawline. hollowed cheekbones, smattering of freckles across the bridge of a miraculously straight (for it's been fractured many times over) nose, full, rosy lips dotted with freckles all throughout the mouth area - slightly chapped but not unpleasant to feel. Roy displays an affinity towards facial hair, from time to time, and is always at least a little scruffy when shaven.


SCENT. amber, oakmoss, cedarwood, anise, and musk accompanied with the faint scent of oil blends and arrow lube from tinkering with, tuning, and caring for his gear
COMPLEXION. healthy skin of a peachy complexion, fares surprisingly well under sun exposure, tans nicely but upper shoulders have the tendency to burn.

BUILD. Mesomorph body type. Strong, wide shoulders, Broad chest, narrower waist. Muscular back and spectacular arms with prominent bicep muscles, all product of his archery skills and training.
HEIGHT&WEIGHT. 5”11/195 lbs

BODY TEMPERATURE. temperate by default, runs hotter when he's stressed. he has warm hands.
SCARS. too many to count, most prominently five ( 5 ) bullet wounds across his chest, a surgical scar running up his sternum, and a build-up of scar tissue over old injection sites. eventually, Roy becomes an amputee, having had his right arm mutilated after an ambush from Prometheus. Because of this, he sports a cybernetic arm prosthetic.
TATTOOS / PIERCINGS. black tattoo spanning the circumference of his left bicep depicting Navajo symbology including coyote tracks and human figures. The coyote in Navajo symbology traditionally represents the trickster/shapeshifter archetype, as well as transformation, while humans represent the essence of human life. ( src: 1 2 ) He also has both ears pierced and sports tiny silver hoops.


MBTI. estp-tβ€” the entrepreneur (turbulant entrepreneur)
ENNEAGRAM. 6 - the loyalist
ALIGNMENT. true neutral
WESTERN ZODIAC. scorpio sun, aries moon, capricorn rising, cancer venus, scorpio mars
TROPES. Hero of Another Story, Hurting Hero, Kid Hero All Grown-Up, Jerk with a Heart of Gold, The Paragon, Chick Magnet, Family Man, Troubled, but Cute
NEGATIVE TRAITS. rebellious, reckless, volatile, arrogant, easily deceptive when the situation or personal gain merits it, proclivity for lashing out under high-tension stress (explicitly when he's exceedingly aggravated), tendency towards just fucking off to do his own thing ( minor commitment issues ), predisposed to rely on meaningless/harmful/momentary indulgences to cope with moments of stress and/or pain
POSITIVE TRAITS. resilient, roguish charm, protective, compassionate, non-judgmental, brave, loyal, charitable, caring, paternal, sharp focus, plays it calm and cool when faced with uncertainty ( usually )


PARENTS. Roy Harper, Sr. ( Father ), mother unknown.
Brave Bow ( Adoptive )
Oliver Queen ( Adoptive )
Dinah Lance ( Maternal Figure )
SIBLINGS. Bird ( Adoptive ), Connor Hawke ( Adoptive ), Mia Dearden ( Adoptive )
SIGNIFICANT OTHERS. verse dependent.
OTHER. Lian Harper ( Daughter )